
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lesson #54: Marriage to a Restaurant Employee is Advantageous

Lyndon works hard to provide and protect.  He serves his country, and he serves you your food.  Being a shift supervisor at a restaurant is a demanding job, and Lyndon is no slacker.  His hours are awful, so we rarely see each other and usually eat dinner after nine.  As a couple, we're never able to go out with others because of his work schedule.  Working 12-hour shifts takes a lot out of him so our evenings stay very low-key.  Suffice it to say that he's exploring other options outside of this field of work.

In the meantime, however, we're stuck with the previously mentioned schedule.  It's either been that or some sort of variation, so it's nothing we aren't used to experiencing.  Supervising simply seems to be more exhausting than serving/bar tending.  I have a tired husband.

All of that majorly stinks, but we got to experience one of the upsides to his job tonight.  His restaurant has a "to go" option for people to use to order food so they can drop by, pay, and leave with their meals.  I learned tonight that when people fail to show up the food is usually thrown away.  If there happens to be a smart shift supervisor on duty, part of the booty is given to a server while he takes home the rest of the spoils.  And that resulted in...


"'It's fo' free!' so I was like, 'Sure.'"

Food that would have otherwise been thrown away was instead chosen to grace our table.  And by table, I mean our coffee table because we sit and watch shows like Cake Boss while we eat.  I don't know whether to take this as a blessing from God or a sign from God that even He was ashamed of my subpar grocery list yesterday.

"So what's the lesson?" you might ask.  Truth is, I'm not really sure.  Marry someone in the business of food?  Don't throw away food that's still good?  Realize God's blessings in little things?  Make a good grocery list?  You decide.

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