
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lesson #24: Love languages matter

I've noticed a gradual decrease in the amount of blogs I post every single month.

My awesome Mama Manatee (mentor) named Rachel is astounding.  I love her to pieces.  We've been reading this book called The Five Love Languages.  While it sounds corny, it does have incredibly worthwhile words of wisdom.

The five languages are:
1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Physical touch
4. Gifts
5. Acts of service

We haven't gotten very far in the book, but I already know that my primary language is quality time.  That's how I want Lyndon to show he loves me, and that's how I want to show my love to Lyndon.  Problem is, that's not quite how he feels about it.

We've always struggled with spending time together.  I've always felt like a leech trying to latch on to a cold shoulder.  For him, the time we spend eating together every night is fulfilling enough.  Compared to what I'm feeling, it's never felt like he's wanted to be around me.

All of this came spilling out of my mouth in one way or another the other weekend.  I was making dinner, and I fell apart.  It was terribly awful.  The word vomit just kept pouring out and pouring out (gross) until I was exhausted.  Poor Lyndon felt like he was being attacked for something that he didn't even know he was doing wrong.

Since then, he's become much more aware of how to cover my "quality time" craving while I'm figuring out ways to show his love language (acts of service).

I highly suggest you figure these love languages out for you and your significant other.  For one, you're relationship will improve by leaps and bounds.'ll avoid the catastrophe that is an upset wife who can't stop spewing out feelings.

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