
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lesson #18: Making a meal out of nothing

We go by the Dave Ramsey lifestyle when it comes to money.  It's something that deeply changed my parents, and they passed it on to us.  The very basic idea is to have a budget.  You and your spouse sit down at the beginning of the month and figure out where every cent is going.  When that's all figured out, you divvy your money up and put it into the correct envelopes.  This keeps you from overspending or spending money that belongs somewhere else.  It's pretty simple, and it's worked extremely well for us.

Sidenote: Let me know if you're interested in getting a handle on your finances.  I'll help you out.
I digress...

Because Lyndon was going to be gone for two weeks, we thought that we could lessen our amount for groceries.  It seemed to make sense, but we were dead wrong.  This last week of July has been quite a challenge.  We can usually buy a week's worth of groceries for around 45 dollars (I'm proud of my thriftiness).  We only had 26 bucks.  As of two nights ago, I hadn't gone to the grocery store yet because I didn't want to take the time to plan cheap meals.  Because of my inattentiveness, I was forced to make something up.

I'll have you know that I'm pretty dang good at following a recipe, which is really the only reason my husband thinks I can cook.  What I've never really attempted is making something of my own.  I ended up cooking some macaroni noodles with some mushroom red sauce that I added cheese and onions to.  We had that with salad and toasted bread with parmesan cheese on top (thank you Chelsea). The entire meal consisted of ingredients that were laying around with no purpose.  Not the best meal I've ever made, but I was dang proud of myself.  Plus, he didn't gag on his food or anything.  That has to be a good sign.

Also: I'm blog challenged.  Every time I try and put a picture behind the title of the blog, it ends up being ginormous. It goes beyond the border.  Help!
Also also: It's many hours after I posted.  I went back to read it just now and found a your when there should have been a you're.  I'm so ashamed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Natalie, I love your blog!!! You're not too blog challenged... at least you have figured out how to put a skin into the background. Personally I'm struggling with that one. As far as the pictures go, if you are using JPEG images they should go into the post just fine. You can adjust the size of the image by dragging the sides in or out. Once you have set the photo either left, right, or center though it will stay there. I hope that helps a little, if not good luck and congratulations on your marriage.
